Lancaster County Recovery Community

Project Overview
My journey with the Lancaster Recovery Community began as a member in 2016. I wanted to give back to a group of persons and way of life that had given me so much and began volunteering as a graphic designer and eventual board member with Young People in Recovery. The YPR mission is to service it’s communities by making them recovery ready, whatever that may mean for any individual chapter.
In Lancaster, we quickly identified a need to provide social interactions and events for the younger population struggling with addiction. Any good event needs an eye-catching flyer. Especially when you’re a startup non - profit with no reputation, looking to attract a niche community. Bright, high contrast color palettes were used on the flyers (pictured below) to invoke a sense of inviting fun. I wanted to create an energetic atmosphere in the pieces as well, which was done through the use of both traditional and vector based illustration. I relied on patterning and shape layering to help draw the viewer in as well.
Having seen some of the work I’d done to promote our own events, I was contacted by The Lancaster Recovery Alliance to design their promotional package for their event, Recovery Day 2019. My primary focus for the suite wast to ensure a design that was fun, adhered to brand and color standards, and keep it conducive to several platforms (t-shirt, banner, flyer, and event day brochure). Working all of the days’ events into a single graphic without using any sort of collage elements was an important challenge as well. I wanted it to come across that these things would all be happening simultaneously and in support of each other.

The Lancaster Recovery Alliance was impressed with the 2019 creative and came to me again for 2020, that having presented its’ own series of challenges. The 2020 Recovery Day was to be entirely digital. The client wanted the creative to have the same look and feel, while incorporating some of the things that made 2020 one of the more unique years on record. As a designer, I felt the best way to get that across was to repurpose the “circle/walk” graphic. In the recovery community, holding hands in a circle is symbolic of unity and connectivity toward a common goal. It also invokes an ethereal or spiritual connection; an element that was present in the 2019 design and something I wanted to use to connect the two. Getting across the message that, although things were different physically, the event would still have many of the same elements as previous years.
Software Used
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Indesign
Adobe Photoshop